How to specify BBA HAPAS approved crack sealing systems
Crack sealing systems can be specified using standards laid down by specialist group 2 of the Highway Authorities Product Approval Scheme (HAPAS) administered by British Board of Agrèment (BBA). These guidelines were drawn up by members representing the Highways Agency, Local Government TAG, Transport Research Laboratory, HiTAC and other interested parties.
The guidelines are available for viewing at
The purpose of devising a standard was to introduce across the industry a standard specification for installation of the many alternative crack sealing systems used across UK roads.
The following is an aide to specify products that comply with the requirements of these.
Types of crack sealing systems covered by the BBA HAPAS standard
Volume 2 Notes for guidance on the specification for Highway Works Series NG700 Road Pavements – General.
Inlaid crack sealing systems are classified by the BBA HAPAS scheme as either Grade F (Flexible) or Grade H (High Modulus). Grade F offers more flexibility but in consequence has a slightly reduced resistance to deformation, i.e. rut resistance. Grade H is less flexible but has a high resistance to deformation. Which grade to specify is a matter of judgement. Where significant crack movement is anticipated, for example in cracks in overlays to jointed concrete carriageways, Grade F may be more appropriate. Where cracks do not penetrate through the pavement structure and significant movement is unlikely to occur, or for small patches in the wheel-tracks, then Grade H may be more appropriate.
Where cracks have penetrated substantially through the pavement depth due to structural failure resulting in significant movement under traffic, no expectation of life can be reliably predicted.
All crack sealing systems shall be approved under BBA HAPAS guideline document for the assessment and certification of crack sealing systems for highways issued by the British Board of Agrèment under HAPAS (Highway Authorities Product Approval Scheme) compiled by Specialist Group 2 and ratified by HiTAC.
Materials and installation shall be in accordance with the Manual of contract documents for highway works Volume 1 Soecification for Highways Works Clause 711 Overband and Inlaid Crack Sealing Systems’.