BBA HAPAS Certification
- Cracks
BBA HAPAS Certification - Cracks

Whilst adoption of BBA HAPAS certification is an accepted requirement for suppliers and applicators of high friction surfacing throughout the UK, the BBA through HAPAS have influence over many areas of highway maintenance.
The BBA Specialist Group 2 was formed in 1999 to assess and verify ‘crack sealing systems for highways’, but why?
Crack sealing was an unregulated environment and the correct specification of over-band sealing systems was vital to ensure the safety of road users. In particular motorbikes were vulnerable to skidding accidents on smooth, wide over-bands of basic bituminous binders.
In order to ensure safe passage for the future, the second ever specialist HAPAS group was created to ensure that only tested and approved crack sealing systems were installed on the UK road network.
10 years later, where have those guidelines and testing regimes left the UK road network? Well, certainly much safer though not across the whole network.
It is not doubted that sealing cracks in the highway is necessary. The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (Volume 7 Section 4 Part 1 HD31/94) states that ‘Crack Sealing is carried out to extend the useful life of the road pavement by protecting the edges of cracks and joints from attrition by heavy traffic and by preventing the ingress of water’.
The Specification for Highway Works (Volume 1 Series 700 Clause 711) now states in the opening paragraph that ‘Over-banding and inlaid crack sealing systems shall have current BBA HAPAS Certificates’.
This particular clause goes on to reiterate the importance of minimum skid resistance requirements of 60 SRV for newly laid treatments.
So, what are the options open and available to a Highways Engineer to repair cracks and joints and comply with the Specification for Highway Works?
Rhino Asphalt Solutions can supply three approved systems for crack and joint repairs giving the highway engineer peace of mind that an approved solution is available for all eventualities.
Rhino's crack and joint repair BBA HAPAS certificates
BBA HAPAS Certificate 11/H175
BBA HAPAS Certificate 07/H126
BBA HAPAS Certificate 09/H149

Jointmaster IMP (grade H) inlaid crack sealing system for highways

Jointmaster JMB flexible inlaid crack sealing system for highways

Fill & Overband System
Joint Repair Systems approved under BBA HAPAS