Fill and Overband
Overbanding & Fill and Overband
Overband Overview and the Case For Sealing Cracks
As vehicle speeds increase, the water pressure in cracks rapidly exceeds the 10MPa strength of asphalt leading to rapid break-up of the road surface.
At cracks up to 20mm deep, the highway will break up when vehicle speeds exceed 35 mph. Sealing cracks against water ingress protects the road from rapid break up and eventual pothole formation. Fill and Overband material is 100% flexible.

Fill & Overband HAPAS Approval incorporates:
- Approval for Fill & Overband Cert No. 11/H175
- BBA HAPAS approved Grade (F) Flexible crack repair. Means it is suitable for cracks with movement
- Minimum expected life of 3 years as defined by the BBA
- Same material for the fill and the seal
- The material is applied in one pass

Fill and Overband Case Study: Eye Road, Peterborough