Surface Defects & Potholes
Repaired with Masterscreed™
Introduction to Masterscreed
Masterscreed is the solution to a wide variety of highway defects that have previously been difficult to repair cost-effectively.
General defects, from potholes to surface regulation, need treating prior to the application of surface treatments such as surface dressing. With Masterscreed, a wide variety of defects for pre-treatment can be quickly and effectively tackled with this one straightforward process, so that any road can be made ready for surface dressing and any profile can be returned for a running surface.
Main Features of Masterscreed
Find out about masterscreed and its performance
Pre Surface Dressing Patching
How we prepare the surface
Material Performance
Just how tough is Masterscreed material?
Discover how we install Masterscreed to achieve the best results
BBA HAPAS Certification
Why is certification important when choosing surface repair systems?
Case Studies
Take a look at some examples