Material Performance

Material Performance

Masterscreed is a versatile, quick curing, durable, cost-effective material, capable of treating many different types of surface defect 


Material Performance

Masterscreed material has performed in numerous road environments in a variety of applications. This material is a tough, hard-wearing, hot screed, chosen for its versatility at resolving many different problems. 

Masterscreed material has been in use for several years providing a high-quality finish with a skid-resistant finish. This hot-screed patching material has proved effective for pre-surface dressing patching programmes, thin surface failures, and patching potholes. 

Masterscreed facts:

  • Fills voids: Seals the surface and provides a skid resistant running surface.
  • Hard wearing: Durable thin bond repair.
  • Quick to apply: Rapid cure, road open to traffic at the end of the shift.
  • Restores running surface: Quick application up to 200sq.m in a shift. Material cure time from just 30 minutes.
  • Cost effective alternative to full depth asphalt patching.
  • Versatile and adaptable: suitable for deterioration from 4mm to full depth.
  • High performance: History of effectively treating difficult defects on high traffic density roads.
  • Long Lasting: Increases the life of the road pavement, delaying the requirement for resurfacing.
  • Strong bond: Supports the surrounding surface, retaining the integral strength of the road surface.

What makes Masterscreed different?
